Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Let's Get Together

Welcome all, to the preview of the August Ladies Night at JoAnn's class.  This is the album we will be making and I have been thrilled to see so many people picking it up and looking through the album.  The class is August 15, 2013 from 6-9 pm.  Sign up at JoAnn's to save your spot! 

During the class I will be teaching how to assemble the cover, the binding system, and the specifics for each page.  I will also show you a few ways to make these darling flowers that really set this album apart!

This split page assembly is a fun way to break up the routine traditional pages.


This is the album I will be making during the class ... made from the same mat stack as the first one, above.  So be sure to join me for a night of creativity and fun!

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